Step by Step Guide to Facebook Ads

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Are you looking to promote your business online but don’t know where to begin? Facebook Advertising might be what you are looking for! With their advanced targeting options and huge user base, advertising on Facebook can provide excellent returns on investment when done the right way. In this guide, we will take you step by step through the process of creating an effective Facebook ad campaign.

Define your advertising objectives

Before creating a Facebook ad, it is important to define your advertising objectives. Without clear goals in mind, it can be difficult to create an ad campaign that drives value for your business.

Facebook provides several possible advertising objectives: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. Depending on your objective, you will need to optimize your content and targeting strategies.


The goal is to increase brand awareness and attract new followers to your page without necessarily trying to convert them into paying customers yet.

Some common objectives within this category are:

  • Reach: The number of people who see your ad.
  • Brand awareness: Increase brand recognition among your target audience.
  • Local awareness: Promote local businesses and drive in-store visits.


This category is focused on driving more engagement from potential customers while getting them familiarized with the product or service offered.

The following are some common objectives within this category:

  • Traffic: Drive more website clicks.
  • Engagement: Encourage users to engage with your posts, such as liking, commenting, or sharing.
  • App installs: Get more app downloads from interested users.


Focuses on driving a specific action, making them potential clients. This can be used primarily by e-commerce websites, product/service websites, or businesses with a specific goal in mind.

Some common objectives:

  • Conversions: drive conversions on your website
  • Catalog sales: drive sales of a product catalog.

By identifying which of the three categories best describe your business’s goals, you can tailor the ad towards specific shoppers and achieve ROI based on the defined business objective.

Choose your target audience

After establishing the advertising objective, we need to choose our target audience. Facebook provides a plethora of targeting options that range from general demographics to behavior attributes.

Some popular audience options on Facebook include:


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education levels
  • Relationship status
  • Language spoken
  • Job title or employer demographics


  • Pages liked
  • Interests & hobbies
  • Shopping habits
  • Online purchases
  • Music


  • Mobile users
  • Annual income
  • Travel destinations
  • Purchase history
  • Life events (like birthdays and weddings)

It is important to create more than one audience segment for testing purposes. The results will help determine which segment performs better, allowing you to focus on that particular portion.

Set your budget

When creating a Facebook Ad campaign, you have two types of budgets to consider: daily and lifetime. Daily budget is the amount you want to spend each day on ads, while the lifetime budget is the total amount that you are willing to spend on the entire campaign.

Once you set your budget, Facebook suggests where to allocate the budget for different ads. You can also control how many times an ad will show per day and it is possible to schedule when the ads should appear.

Choose your bid strategy, as well. A bid strategy determines how much you pay for each result generated from your ad. Facebook Ads offers various bidding strategies, such as:

  • Cost per click (CPC): where you pay when someone clicks on your ad.
  • Cost per impression (CPM): where you pay every time Facebook displays your ad on a user’s screen
  • Cost per action (CPA): where you pay every time someone takes a desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

Build Your Ad Creative

The Facebook Ad must be engaging to successfully attract clicks and conversions. Invest time in developing unique and intriguing content; images or videos should be high quality and storytelling.

When creating the ad copy, it is necessary to keep in mind which advertising objective was chosen. The copy should be aligned with that specific goal. For instance, if the goal of the ad is brand recognition, focus more on taglines and punches that don’t explicitly sell anything, but “sell” the brand instead.

Choose an attention-grabbing image that stands out in people’s newsfeed alongside copy that best informs readers about what you expect from them when they click/hover/etc. Through testing and tracking metrics, you should make sure these ads improve over time.

Choose Ad Placement

Finally, choose the placements where you would like to show your ad. Facebook offers many different ad placements across their platform including desktop newsfeed, mobile news feed, right column, video feeds, and stories. It’s important to experiment with each placement to determine which one works best for your specific objectives.

For instance, mobile placements are most effective at engaging younger audiences, while the desktop news feed can attract older users that do most of their browsing on desktop platforms.

Launching Your Ad

After completing all of steps one through five, check over everything before launching. Facebook uses bots to scan every ad one creates to ensure nothing goes against their community standards. The approval process usually takes little to no time, possibly 15 minutes tops.

Once approved by Facebook Ads team, ads go live! You can monitor performance dashboards and analytics provided by Facebook Ads Manager tool.

Measure and Adjust

After running the Facebook Ad campaign, measure its effectiveness with metrics provided by Facebook.
Important metrics to analyze include:

  • Reach: Number of people who saw your ad
  • Impressions: Total number of times your ad was displayed.
  • Clicks: How many clicks lead to website visits or page likes, depending on the ad objective.
  • Conversions: These are the actions conversion ads are optimized to receive – e.g., purchasing a product, sign-up, booking a service, etc.

By analyzing these metrics, you can discover what works and what doesn’t, then optimize the campaign to increase ROI.


If done correctly, Facebook Ads can be a powerful tool for promoting your business online. Effective targeting options and various ad placements ensure that a well-planned campaign will generate return on investment in no time. The steps outlined above are a basic guide on creating a Facebook Ad; there are many ways to personalize and tailor to specific business needs. By testing and monitoring results through Facebook Ads tools, launching successful social media campaigns will become easier.